Agile has evolved from helping single teams deliver more effectively, to helping organizations transform to support those teams to enterprise wide transformation. All Agile implementations require a continuous improvement journey, and when you get past scaling for delivery the entire organization must be able to continuously improve as well. To really achieve Business Agility requires a true Learning Organization.
Learning Objectives:
We will start with a look at the how Business Agility is different from Agile Coaching and Agile Transformation, followed by an overview of what it means to be a Learning Organization. After tying the concepts together we will discuss challenges to achieving Business Agility in most organizations and the approaches that can help
Target Audience:
Anyone in an organization that wants to remain relevant and viable.
Amy Ikenn
I am an Agile Coach who is passionate about working with organizations, leaders, teams and individuals to refine strategy and improve delivery. Using the techniques and principles of Agile, Lean, Systems Thinking and Open Space I collaborate with clients to understand their current state, identify areas for continuous improvement and coach them through a transformation customized to accomplish their vision.
I have supported large and small organizations as they evolved everything from value definition to culture to funding models to delivery practices in order to become more agile and effective. By helping the team, leadership and enterprise better understand how to focus on customer needs I enable them to become more successful.

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