Conference Format
The three-day event is structured to satisfy four types of learning.
June 7-9, 8:00 am – 1:00 pm CDT (each day)
The first is general knowledge in the form of keynote addresses for all attendees.
The second is individual knowledge and skill-building in the form of presentations and workshops.
The third and most important is the research laboratory enablement sessions in the form of overview, check-in, and collaboration sessions.
And finally, no conference would be complete without the chance to network with your conference peers.
Research Lab Main Stage

These are represented by dark blue blocks on the schedule.
Icebreaker, two keynotes, and a closing ceremony – Each Keynote address covers a topic of general interest to the larger community.
The Personal Growth Arc

These are represented by green, orange and yellow blocks on the schedule.
6 sessions, 3 tracks A,B,C – The Research Lab is similar to other agile conferences in that there will be several parallel tracks of learning opportunities running throughout the three days of the conference. Attendees are encouraged to explore whatever sessions interest you, especially if you think they provide information that can benefit your Research Team. Selection of the sessions you attend are entirely up to you, and follow the standard choose-your-own-adventure format.
The Research Topic Arc

These are represented by purple blocks on the schedule.
3 Sessions, Topic #1-n – Starting with the presentation of the Research Topics (challenges) on Day 1, continuing with a Team check-in on Day 2, and culminating in the Topic Collaboration (planning) session on Day 3. These sessions will lay the groundwork for the research activities that will continue beyond the conference, advancing through several meetings with your team over the next few months to gather data and update your recommendations, and wrapping up with the authoring of the research whitepaper.

These are represented by the black blocks on the schedule.
The conference venue on Whova will be online for all three days of the conference. You are welcome to engage in open networking opportunities with other attendees both before and after the main program each day.

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Following the Conference
These exploration and self-study activities will ultimately lead to the whitepaper and experience reports that document the outcomes of the recommendations tried at the client organization.
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Agile Professionals, Do You Want To Participate In Research Laboratory 2021?
Do you want to gain practical experience applying agile solutions to real-world problems?
When you look at the research topic proposals, can you see yourself joining one of those research opportunities as an active participant?
Do you want to gain a co-author credit for an actual experience report?