Proposal Submission Deadline February 15, 2021
Countdown to APLN Research Laboratory 2021
Speakers at the conference will receive:
- Complimentary Admission – One comp per session proposal accepted by the selection committee. Use the “Submit Your Proposal” buttons on this page to submit your session. The deadline for submissions is 3/31/2020.
- Once your proposal has been reviewed, you will receive notice of our decision. If selected for the conference, you will receive a special code to use when registering for the conference.
- If not selected, you will receive notice in time to still take advantage of the Early Bird registration discount.
- Your Name, Photo, Brief Bio, Session Description and Learning Goals will be featured on the APLN Chicago website and the onsite catalog.
- Your session will receive a dedicated page on the APLN Chicago website for displaying your session information, providing copies of your presentation and any course materials you wish to share.
- New for 2020! If we hit our attendance threshold, speakers will also receive an honorarium.
4th Annual one-day Agile Conference in Chicago on May 3, 2021
“Episode IV – The Quest for (Real) Agility”
For the last twenty years (or more), Agile frameworks and methodologies have taken the product development world by storm. In the technology world at large, agility has become more of the norm than the exception. We’re no longer the plucky rebels railing against the tyranny of the waterfall. To wax poetical, we’ve blown up the DEATH STAR, and instilled ourselves as the NEW WAY OF WORKING.
Yet all is not well. Surely you’ve seen signs of it out there…lurking. Perhaps you’ve heard whispers, or felt a strange sense of foreboding. The energy and enthusiasm around agility has diminished. There are now so many different methods and certifications that the true spirit of agility – THE FORCE that guided us seems to be getting lost in the onslaught.
We are looking for speakers who have thoughts on the current state of the agility. Who have ideas for how to recapture the lost magic. We want to learn from you, the next generation of JEDI MASTERS.
Help us, noble jedi. You’re our only hope…
The Call for Speakers Has Begun!
With your help and guidance, together we can rule the Galaxy, and restore balance to the Force…
“Short, the time grows. Much needed, is your Wisdom!”
Proposal Submission Deadline: February 15, 2021
Check out the conference information page for the most up to date news and announcements about the event.
Before you register, think about whether you would like to participate as a speaker at the conference. Speakers attend for free!
Before you register, consider whether your organization would like to be a sponsor. Sponsors get many perks, including free tickets!
Register today! Seating is limited! Early-Bird Pricing and Group Discount rates are only available until April 15. Reserve your place today!
The Fourth Will Be With You, Always.